Sunday, 5 July 2009

Requesting possible Dream Pun Interpretations

As I'm a natural at finding other possible meanings in words and phrases, and often deeper ones than most people would notice, I am looking at providing a confidential service in the future, allowing people to describe signs in their dreams to me. I can email them back with other possible meanings. You can take advantage of this free, for the time being.

The meanings will be purely in English, but sometimes things cross language barriers, so that if you can describe things in English, it may still have meaning. It's very important to go by the sound of words as they're casually spoken, and as you personally perceived them. Please don’t try to rephrase things as you email them to me. Please email them to me as you perceived them, and using the first words that come into your head to describe them, or the meanings may be lost.

With the exception of world leaders, who have to make important decisions affecting many other people, I will have to make a small charge for my time later on. For now, I'd like to see how much interest there is in my assistance.

If you'd like to email me and see if I can help you, please go ahead, but please don't expect a fast response, as I am currently in the process of finding a new place to live. Please keep your descriptions relatively short. I won’t have the time to read pages and pages.

If you would like to remain anonymous and your email address contains your name, you can easily and quickly set up another free email address at If you wish, you can have the emails from there forwarded to another email address.

The meaning of dreams is a personal and private matter, and for this reason, I’d suggest you use this option. Especially if you share your email address with anyone else.

Please note, I’m not a counsellor or psychologist and will only be looking for possible dream puns and emailing them back to you, with the same subject heading that you used when you emailed me. Dream interpreters, psychologists, and counsellors are welcome to email me for other possible meanings as well.

If you set up a separate email address and you don't forward the emails to your usual email address to keep things private, please check it again once or twice some time afterwards, in case I have realised that there is another possible dream pun at a later date and emailed it to you as a follow up.

It would also be nice if you could tell me whether any alternative meanings I give you are of any assistance to you. (I don’t need to know about your personal life, but it would be good to know if the service is of any help.)

Go ahead and email me if you wish.

Please email me at dreampuninterpretation [@]