Sunday, 5 July 2009

Why request a dream pun interpretation?

One way of interpreting dreams is to look at dream puns, which are signs with a verbal quality, in that the sounds of the names or words associated with them can sometimes say things.

There are some articles about this here.

People can often understand the signs if they can remember them, but this isn't always the case. Adamic shows that the signs could be more than one thing.

People didn't know that these word plays can carry more than one meaning, that they can sometimes say a multitude of things, and can sometimes have a clear and coherent message.

A good example of a message like that is this, although it wasn’t found in a dream.

On the side of a building in London, some beautiful new stone had been used. I’d say the stone came from a quarry. “Quarry” is another word for “prey.” However, “prey” also says “pray.” The stone had fossils in it. They were shells. “Shells” is another word for bullets. These shells were of the long twisted variety, and bullets also twist as they’re fired, to make them more aerodynamic.

The message in this particular instance was clear and coherent.

The building was “riddled” with “riddles,” it was “riddled” with “shells,” and someone’s “quarry” or “prey” should “pray.” Although the building was nothing to do with the hotel industry, I had already told the organisation that owns it that these signs were something to do with a danger in or “to” (spelled “two” ) hotels or the hotel industry. Shortly after coming across these clues, the Mumbai hotel massacre took place. “Two” hotels were “riddled” with “shells” and the attacker’s “quarry” or “prey” “prayed.”

Knowing that people’s dreams work like this too, and that the Pharaoh gave Joseph a name meaning “decoder of the code” when he interpreted his dreams and saved many people from seven years of famine, we can see that dreams may have a prophetic quality. Especially those of world leaders, who need to make important decisions affecting so many other people.

Requesting a Dream Pun Interpretation